Wednesday, August 11, 2004


Cuddling Parties are the newest fad to hit NYC. For $30, you too can sit with a group of strangers in pajamas and get that close, personal touch cuddling affords without fear of wackos, commitment, or other obligations. Well, at least there aren't supposed to be any wackos:
Cuddle parties are intended for people who are emotionally sound. People in therapy or who are seeing a mental health professional are asked to consult their doctor before signing up for a party and to tell organizers of their situation.

I can see the point, the need for this in a big anonymous burg like New York. Still, I find the cow part a bit odd - and disturbing:
An introduction to cuddling ensues, first by hugging three people. People then get in a circle on their hands and knees, rub shoulders and moo like cows. After a bit of swaying, everyone falls to their side, which puts them into an easy cuddling position.

Just weird, man.

1 comment:

ljc said...
