Thursday, January 26, 2006

Bad Decline and Other Boston stuff

Ahhh, just finished listening to "our" song - :) - BBVD "Still in Love with You"

Book #5 (finishing the catchup on my recent reading'll slow greatly after this) - Civilwarland in Bad Decline by George Saunders. Initially, I was curious about this, as Saunders is from the Rochester area and it got strong reviews. Then Sonny said he really liked it. I'm afraid it's just not me. I can do dark. But consistently, story after story? Every story was set in some extremely depressed future version of the US, many take place in run-down amusement park recreations of nature or history, gang violence has crumbled society - it's just all so ... down. At least in the novella, Bounty, it's not all absolutely miserable, though you might expect it to be.

Boston was a good trip. Dinner and hanging with Sonny and Pam was the highlight - as the work brought extreme stress for a good 10 hours and much exhaustion thereafter. Still, good work got done despite the mess. Sonny, Pam, and I went out for Mexican food and then did some CD shopping. I think that prevented from utterly losing my sanity. Thanks!

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