Friday, December 30, 2005

It's about time!

I feel like it's been forever since I've written and have a ton to tell - I'll likely break it into several small posts throughout the day....

First, an update on the kittens! The tension has eased immensely. They still fight and it can get a bit vicious -we often find Molasses with Murphy fur in his claws or teeth - but not so bad that the attitude/ lifestyle of either is cramped in any way. Most of the craziness happens as I get ready for work and right before bed. They're good guys and I think my family really took to them on Christmas (that's the next post). I'll post pics later, too....

Murphy is very intrepid. As I was putting lights on the Christmas tree about eye level, the tree shook a bit and suddenly there was a ball of orange fuzz at that very spot! He's not scared by much... Molasses is a super sweetie who's determined not to let his little brother out kitten him....

It's interesting, we're learning quite a bit from them - things that get us thinking about how we might parent. I also see strong echoes of childhood past - where siblings, despite more than a dozen "favorite" toys laying about, have to play with the exact same one at the same time, for example.

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