Monday, February 28, 2005


Maybe it's this quirk I have that makes anything related to Clint Eastwood turn my stomach, but I really think Scorsese got jipped. Aviator was exceptional. I haven't seen Million Dollar Baby yet and I'm sure it's a great film, but I just find it very hard to swallow that that achieved more in terms of a movie accomplishing something than Aviator did....

DK if I like the whole brunette thing. I'd prefer people to go natural or funky, but not try to co-opt another natural color for their own - can't exactly tell what's natural for some of these chics, though, so I'm not sure how annoyed I am on that.

Maybe if I could enjoy snow days in the same fashion as my school teacher friends I wouldn't be so annoyed. Maybe I just need a cookie.... mmmm - Finding Neverland Peter Pan Peanut Butter cookies help all troubles...

- then again, rereading this, I think I just need more sleep.

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