Clotted Cream Fudge. Yeah, I know, sounds gross, huh? At least to me it did. It's like a caramel. Our cousin, after a bit of globetrotting, settled in England, keeping busy by authentically restoring really cool old houses.... Anyway, he sent some from Perry's Cider Mill as an "early" Xmas present to Mom & Dad. Good thing they share! It just melts in your mouth.
Rice Krispies Popcorn Crunch. Another of J's impulse buys. Quite amusing, but be prepared for lots of white flaky crumbs....
Movies I want to see:
A Very Long Engagement - Audrey Tautou and Jean-Pierre Jeunet - an excellent team - and Dominique Pinon is always awesome in Jeunet's flicks
Lemony Snicket - I know it's more for kids, but it looks really cool
Mirrormask - premieres at Sundance in January - I hope it does well so I can catch it at our local arthouse....
And of course, the many many many I am behind on....
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